The Ambitious Drifter

Words, Images and The Occasional Noise

What I Like About Blogging


Today, write about any topic you feel like — but you must reuse your opening line (at least) two more times in the course of your post.

Good daily post huh? It’s what I like about blogging. 

What I like about blogging is that I can write about absolutely anything for the Daily Prompt and not feel like one of those folk that hog the list with  off topic posts, often recycled.

What I like about blogging is that some days other people like what I like and like me.  I get likes. That’s like, really good.

What I like about blogging is the challenge, getting an original post out there pretty quickly. That helps the likes.

What I like about blogging is that I get views, followers and likes from all over the world. I like the little map thing in stats.

What I like about blogging is that I can look to see what other folk are doing, wherever they may be blogging from.

What I like about blogging is the Weekly Photo Challenge….. I love the challenge, I love lots of the photos, experts or amateurs, there’s some great stuff out there.

What I like about blogging is choosing a photo to fit the topic. Hmm, lemme see what we got. OK, I like the look of those tomatoes down there. Shot from a hotel window, Les Gobelins, Paris, France.


What I like about blogging is hitting Publish and then waiting for a little orange star to appear.




10 thoughts on “What I Like About Blogging

  1. Thanks! All the veg was great… French people do love thier food. It’s gotta be good or they dont buy 😉


  2. Love this post. Also that picture of the tomatoes is gorgeous!!


  3. I keep telling myself I blog just for me, but I hang out for the likes!


  4. Thanks, liked the like!


  5. Nice post. I “liked” it. 🙂


  6. I totally agree with you on your last line. I always love seeing that orange star after publishing a post. I also like the look of those tomatoes in that shot 😉


  7. Ah, you have your own domain, so maybe you dont get the little ‘like’ icon lighting up. It’s me wots the showoff… the likes are my applause.


  8. [grin]
    Not showing off at all ! – merely responding in pleasure.
    Nuffing wrong wiv vat …


  9. In the corner of the stats page ‘M-R liked your post….’ Always was a showoff!


  10. What orange star …? Has alzheimer’s overtaken me then ?


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